DevOps: Continuous Deployment Using Git, Jenkins, and WinCC OA

In the IT world, you would NEVER, EVER, EVER make edits to a production system without going through the proper development quality assurance procedures. In the industrial world for some reason, it is acceptable to not test in isolated development environments for issues or changes in a production runtime system. There are many reasons for this…time, availability of tools, “know-how” etc. With the IT and OT worlds converging at an exponential pace, we want to help our industry adopt DevOps practices by showing the tools that are available now. DevOps tools can be leveraged in modern industrial data management software packages like WinCC Open Architecture.

WinCC OA: Setting up Chronograf with InfluxDB

With the release of WinCC OA 3.17, one of the newest and biggest changes is the addition of the NextGen Archiver. The NextGen Archiver runs on an InfluxDB database and is a great way to store your data. InfluxDB is one of the fastest-growing time-series databases in the market, which means there are already some fantastic tools that can be used to visualize your data coming out of WinCC OA. The tool I’m going to show today is Chronograf. Chronograf is the user interface for stand-alone instances of InfluxDB, but can also be used to inside of OA.

WinCC OA AEScreen

WinCC OA: How to Change “Came” and “Went” Alert Text

The texts for the alarm direction are defined in the WinCC OA message catalog, the keywords are “entered” for the CAME-text and “left” for the WENT-text. If you would like to translate or change the texts which are shown in the AEScreen for the alert direction you have to perform the following steps: Step …

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