At KAASM we have quite a few brewing customers and one of our favorites has been Kulshan Brewing. When they were challenged with rapidly expanding their brewhouse, they called KAASM to help bridge their technology gap. We made a reference video about Kulshan Brewing to show how they successfully used Siemens Industry automation to rapidly expand. You can check it out here:
About Kulshan Brewing
The name Kulshan comes from the Native American word for Mt. Baker, which is the local volcano in the Cascade mountain range. Founded in 2012 by Bellingham native David Vitt, Kulshan Brewing is one of the fastest-growing breweries in Whatcom County, highly regarded for making delicious and well-balanced ales and lagers. Just one year after opening, Kulshan doubled the size of their brewhouse to 15 barrels in order to keep up with demand. In 2015 Kulshan opened a second brewery, affectionately named “K2”, in Bellingham with a 30-barrel brewhouse.
To learn more about Kulshan Brewing and how they leveraged Siemens automation, check out the full reference report here.
If you are interested in learning more about how KAASM can help bridge your technology gaps, please contact us.