A digital platform refers to a framework, architecture, or ecosystem that enables the development, deployment, and management of digital services, applications, and solutions. These platforms typically leverage digital technologies such as cloud computing, data analytics, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and mobile technologies to deliver value to users, customers, and businesses.

Increase Workplace Safety with Real-Time Locating Systems

By Shawn Sandoval | 04/24/2020
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Writing to you from ground zero here in Seattle, we have been monitoring and working with essential businesses throughout this pandemic. Just yesterday, a Tyson Foods plant in eastern Washington, reported that 100 of their workers tested positive for COVID-19. There is no doubt we have to rethink how we are going to get back to work in a safe manner and rethink how we conduct business.

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InFluxDB: Parallel Data Logging with WinCC OA NextGen Archiver

By Calvin Hamus | 04/21/2020
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Siemens ETM released patch 3 for WinCC OA version 3.17, today. You can download WinCC OA V3.17 P003 via our Knowledgebase software download section.

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WinCC OA: Discontinued in V3.17

By KAASM | 04/07/2020
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Siemens ETM released patch 3 for WinCC OA version 3.17, today. You can download WinCC OA V3.17 P003 via our Knowledgebase software download section.

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WinCC OA V3.17 P003 Now Available for Download

By KAASM | 04/01/2020
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Siemens ETM released patch 3 for WinCC OA version 3.17, today.

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Doom and WinCC OA get Embed Together

By Calvin Hamus | 03/31/2020
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One of the best things about working for KAASM is my ability to try different things and to be as creative as possible with both my solutions and with some of the tutorials I put together.

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WinCC OA: Free InHouse Development for 3.16/3.17

By KAASM | 03/27/2020
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In support of remote working environments, Siemens/ETM is offering WinCC OA v3.16/v3.17 Development licenses valid for 2 months for FREE to support WinCC OA Solution Partners / WinCC OA Premium Solution Partners.

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WinCC OA: Creating Dashboards with Web Technologies

By Calvin Hamus | 03/26/2020
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WinCC OA has the ability to embed HTML/JS/CSS into a project. These features are essential for creating modern dashboards. In this quick tutorial, you will learn how to use modern web libraries to interact with WinCC OA.

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DevOps: Continuous Deployment Using Git, Jenkins, and WinCC OA

By Calvin Hamus | 02/24/2020
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In the IT world, you would NEVER, EVER, EVER make edits to a production system without going through the proper development quality assurance procedures. In the industrial world for some reason, it is acceptable to not test in isolated development environments for issues or changes in a production runtime system. There are many reasons for this…time, availability of tools, “know-how” etc. With the IT and OT worlds converging at an exponential pace, we want to help our industry adopt DevOps practices by showing the tools that are available now. DevOps tools can be leveraged in modern industrial data management software packages like WinCC Open Architecture.

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DevOps: Integrating Jenkins into WinCC OA

By Calvin Hamus | 02/04/2020
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Over the past few weeks, we have been showing how to use the DevOps practices and tools inside of WinCC OA. Today we will take one big step further and integrate Jenkins into the development process. This tutorial expects you tot have a few things and understand a few others:

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WinCC OA: Setting up Chronograf with InfluxDB

By Calvin Hamus | 01/16/2020
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With the release of WinCC OA 3.17, one of the newest and biggest changes is the addition of the NextGen Archiver. The NextGen Archiver runs on an InfluxDB database and is a great way to store your data. InfluxDB is one of the fastest-growing time-series databases in the market, which means there are already some fantastic tools that can be used to visualize your data coming out of WinCC OA. The tool I’m going to show today is Chronograf. Chronograf is the user interface for stand-alone instances of InfluxDB, but can also be used to inside of OA.

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